We want you to be part of our muse­ums, expe­ri­ence its beau­ty and this is why we offer sev­er­al ways to let you engage with us to help main­tain and devel­op the muse­ums

Our his­to­ry

About Ves­tige

We want you to be part of our muse­ums, expe­ri­ence its beau­ty and this is why we offer sev­er­al ways to let you engage with us to help main­tain and devel­op the muse­ums. Whether you are a stu­dent aspir­ing a career in social work or a busi­ness per­son who loves to pre­serve and care about the ocal his­to­ry or a cou­ple look­ing to get mar­ried in an awe­some tra­di­tion­al way. We have every­thing for all of you. Become a mem­ber today!

What our Vis­i­tors say

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CLUB ITALIANO CANE DELLE ALPI APUANE | Località Castoglio, 12 | 54029 - Zeri (MS) C.F. 93267720238 | website by flymultimedia.it