Donate today to dou­ble your gift and help expand access to our col­lec­tion, nur­ture dia­logue and schol­ar­ship, and intro­duce new gen­er­a­tions to all the Met has to offer.

Exhi­bi­tions & Gal­leries Fund

To main­tain the reg­u­lar exhi­bi­tions we always look for sup­port of our vis­i­tors. To kep up the gallery as fresh as always you can con­tribute the antiques you may have.

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Adopt an Arti­fact

Some times it become tough to kep an arti­fact alive in the muse­um because of the high main­te­nance costs. We always look for the art lovers to adopt any of the arti­fact they love.

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Spon­sor an Intern­ship Group

Intern­ship pro­grams are a reg­u­lar events in Ves­tige Muse­um which in fact makes the youth more clos­er to the his­to­ry for our coun­try. We always look for the spon­sors for these pro­grams.

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