Our his­to­ry

About Ves­tige

Ves­tige muse­um was built in 1869 to show­case the antique things of the ancient times in an incred­i­ble way which make its a real enjoy­ment for all age groups.

We want you to be part of our muse­ums, expe­ri­ence its beau­ty and this is why we offer sev­er­al ways to let you engage with us to help main­tain and devel­op the muse­ums. Whether you are a stu­dent aspir­ing a career in social work or a busi­ness per­son who loves to pre­serve and care about the ocal his­to­ry or a cou­ple look­ing to get mar­ried in an awe­some tra­di­tion­al way. We have every­thing for all of you. Become a mem­ber today!

Spe­cial Events

Full Respon­sive Design

This tem­plate using Boot­strap 3x ver­sion with mobile first approach to make it read­i­ly avail­able for all devices.

Lots of Icons

Ves­tige comes with 900+ font icons includ­ing Font Awe­some com­plete set and 150+ out­lined icons.

3 Head­er Styles

3 Head­er styles are there for all type of needs with top­bar or not along with full width menu.

Boxed & Wide Lay­outs

2 lay­out choic­es for Wide screen and Boxed lay­out with option to set pat­terns and images as back­ground.


The main menu is ready for the mul­ti columns mega menu which can have any kind of HTML/TEXT inside.

Twit­ter Wid­get

An easy to use Twit­ter feeds plu­g­in is includ­ed in the tem­plate which can fetch any num­ber of Tweets from your account.

Our Team

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